Jan 14, 2018

Batman Tied Up and Spanked

1 comment:

  1. 1/20/18 8:47p randyslashtoons Batman Tied Up and Spanked
    Randy Meeks: Batman Beefy and More
    Mature Gets a Bare Assed Spanking!
    Great 'Toon!
    Rarely, do I see a Big Man Such as Batman
    getting Spanked and assuming Superman
    is the Spanker! Hot!
    I wish I could see More and actually
    see him or other Heroes OTK!
    I don't like the fact Batman is
    Admitting he Liked the spanking!
    Then again he said to Himself and
    he would Never admit he Liked
    it to anyone else.
    Batman could Not stop Superman from
    Spanking him, even if he tried!
