Sep 24, 2011

Captain Haddock Fucks Tintin

Tintin and Haddock had been through a lot together - but once these guys get naked, it's a totally different adventure!


  1. Humm it´s hot :P
    Make more of these please.

  2. Glad to see you are aware of Tintin. However we need a nked picture of Tintin like the one of Fred Jones from Scooby doo, but please don't forget that Tintin being European is un circumcised. Thanks for all your hard work glad you are here to amke our dreams come true, and the photo of you makes you look really cute too. Wouldn't mind seeing a full frontal nude picture of you also.

    1. I agree. Full frontal nude photo of you would be nice. I like your work by the way.
